В рамках государственной программы Венгрии помощи Христианам Ближнего Востока, ее правительство объявляет свое намерение предоставить стипендии на 2021 – 2022 учебный год на основании рекомендательного письма Иерусалимского Патриархата.

Потенциальные кандидаты должны подать свое заявление, следуя инструкциям прилагаемого объявления, отправленного в Патриархат, и  соответствующий сайт, до установленного срока, то есть до 31 января 2021 года.

“To HE Archbishop Aristarchos of Constantina

Your Eminence,

I have already approached you with a scholarship opportunity for Palestinian students in general in the framework of the Stipendium Hungaricum programme.

Hungary has continuously provided scholarships to talented Palestinian students since the 1970’s among them many Christians, who are playing important roles in the Palestinian society. For the last few years Hungary has been providing a special scholarship scheme for the talented Christian students as well. Why is it different from the Stipendium Hungaricum scholarship:

The scholarship is available for the Christian communities and churches in the Middle East.

The students apply with the approval of their church leaders.

The scholarship does not engage the local governments and authorities, the application process is happening between the students and the Government of Hungary directly.

I am pleased to inform you that the online application process for the Scholarship Programme for Christian Young People for the 2021/2022 academic year started with the deadline of 31 Ιανουάριος 2021. The online application system for the Scholarship Programme can be accessed at https://apply.scyp.hu. The Annexes of the Call for Applications along with other documents and detailed information necessary for applying can be found on the Programme’s website: http://hungaryhelps.gov.hu/scyp/

We are at your disposal to answer any questions you may have. Μάϊος you have talented students in sight, I request your kind assistance in helping them in the application process.

Thank you in advance for all your efforts in this regard”. 


Dr. Csaba Rada

Head of Mission

Representative Office of Hungary

Al Watania Towers Building, Al-Bireh, Ramallah

Tel: 00 972 2 240 7676

Fax: 00 972 2 240 7678


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