На сайте Патриархата размещается прилагаемое объявление о предоставлении стипендий Венгрии  студентам христианам  на 2022-2023 учебный год.

Интересующихся просим подать заявление согласно инструкциям объявления. См. ссылку:


(Ниже Вы можете ознакомиться с письмом, направленном в Иерусалимский Патриархат):

Your Eminence,

 One of the sectors of Hungarian aid for the people of Palestine is education, in which area Hungary has been providing scholarships for Palestinian students for decades. This year we renewed our bilateral agreement, which allowed us to raise the number of scholarships from 60 to 75 for Palestinian students in all levels of higher education (BA, MA, and PhD), in all relevant fields of study.

 In this regard, I proudly inform you that the Ministry of Higher Education of Palestine and the Hungarian Tempus Public Foundation together with the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade of Hungary have published the call for application for programs starting in the next academic year (2022/2023). A monthly stipend, accommodation or financial support, and the programs’ admission fee is included in the scholarship.

 The call for application is found at the following link: https://www.mohe.pna.ps//scholarships/Post/5543?fbclid=IwAR2kHEH2CZskYSQj7H3bxwsqMfSCob1qVx_2gxPL7vPg2tnjPDuENkssf8s&fbclid=IwAR2kHEH2CZskYSQj7H3bxwsqMfSCob1qVx_2gxPL7vPg2tnjPDuENkssf8s

 Please share this information with those who could be interested in studying in Hungary. I believe that there are many talented Christian students, who could be interested in applying for the scholarships.

 If you have any further question do not hesitate to contact the Representative Office of Hungary.

 Yours sincerely,

 Dr. Csaba Rada

Head of Mission

Representative Office of Hungary

Al Watania Towers Building, Al-Bireh, Ramallah

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